शनिवार, मार्च 1, 2025

hp civil judge syllabus 2023 | Himachal Pradesh judiciary syllabus 2023

Are you dreaming of becoming a judge in the Himachal Pradesh Judicial Services Examination 2023? If yes, then it is important to understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly.

Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Examination is a three stage process which includes Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Viva-Voce Examination. In this post, we will discuss the preliminary and mains exam syllabus in detail.

Himachal Judiciary 2023 Latest Exam Pattern for Prelims: 

The Preliminary Examination is an objective type exam with three papers. Each paper consists of 100 multiple choice questions, and each question carries one mark. The papers are :

Civil Law-I,

Civil Law-II, and

Criminal Law. The duration of each paper is one hour.

The subject and syllabus of preliminary exam will be same as that of main exam

NOTE: there shall be NO negative marking in the Preliminary Examination.

HPCJ 2023 Latest Exam Pattern for Mains:

The main examination will be subjective, and the marks for each paper are mentioned alongside the paper name. It’s essential to note that the main examination is a comprehensive test of the candidate’s knowledge, understanding, and application of the laws.

Himachal Pradesh judicial service exam 2023 (HPCJ subject and syllabus ) mains exam shall be consist of five papers

1.Civil Law-I,

2.Civil Law-II,

3.Criminal Law,

4.English Composition, and

5.Language (Hindi).

HP civil judge subject and syllabus mains exam 2023:

The subject and syllabus for each paper, along with the marks, are as follows:

CIVI LAW ICode of Civil Procedure
Indian Evidence Act,
Himachal Pradesh Stamp Act,
Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976
Specific Relief Act.
2003 hours
CIVI LAW IIIndian Contract Act,
Hindu Law,
Indian Limitation Act,
Transfer of Property Act
H.P. Urban Rent Control Act
2003 hours
Criminal Law:Indian Penal Code,
Criminal Procedure Code,
Instruments  Act, Chapter-XVII (Section 138 to 143)
H.P. Excise Act-2011,
Wild Life Protection Act,
Indian Forest Act
Module on Judicial Sensitivity to Sexual Offences:-
-Latest guidelines/directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India with regard to bail and conditions to be imposed under Sections 437, 438, 439 Cr.P.C.             
-What is gender stereotyping and its effects.
-How the gender stereotyping undermines women’s access tojustice in sexual offence cases and how judicial gender stereotyping is to be avoided.
-Judicial approach towards new species of offensive activities, cybercrimes that are women -centric, such as transmitting of sexually explicit material, blackmailing, defamation/morphing/creating fake profile etc.
-Role of judge in protecting the victim during judicial process.
-Accountability  and standards of conduct while dealing with sexual offence cases.
-Importance and meaning of gender sensitivity and effects ofgender conditioning in judicial decisions in sexual offence cases.
-Incorporating gender perspective into judicial decision
-making and Constitutional and Statutory provisions on gender
-Judicial approach towards child sexual abuse with reference
to provisions of the POCSO Act, 2012.
-Credibility of statement of victim in sexual offence cases.
-Sentencing provisions in Sexual offence cases.
-Besides above, the following Acts/Provisions are included to
assess the approach regarding judicial sensitivity to sexual
-The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
-The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,
-The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,
-The pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques
(Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994.
-The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
-CCS (Conduct) Rules for Prohibition of sexual harassment
of women at workplace.
-Discrimination and Harassment of women at workplace and
Rights and Dignity of women at workplace- Constitutional
Mandate and Guidelines by Hon’ble Supreme Court in
Vishaka’s case.
-The Banglore Principal of Judicial Conduct, 2002.
-The Bangkok General Guidelines for Judges on Applying a
Gender Perspective in South East Asia.
200 3 hours
English CompositionA Choice from three Essays on General Subjects.
Translation of Hindi Passage into English 50
150 3 hours
Language (Hindi)Hindi (in Devnagari Script) No Books prescribed. The paper of Hindi will comprise of the following:
Translation of English passage into Hindi -30m
Essay in Hindi on any topic out of three -50m
Composition (Idioms and Corrections etc.
) -20m
100 3 hours

HP civil judge syllabus 2023: Viva-Voce

Candidates, who qualify the Main Written examination are eligible for Viva-Voce (interview)

Viva-Voce shall be 150 marks and A Candidate shall also be required to obtain at least 45%of the marks allocated for the Viva-Voce, failing which he/she will deemed to have not qualified the competitive examination.

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Q. himachal pradesh judiciary age limit ?

A. 22 – 35 years age relaxation as per govt rules

Q.WHAT IS THE salary of civil judge in himachal pradesh ?

A.₹ 77840 – 136520 PM

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