सोमवार, मार्च 10, 2025

AIBE 18 syllabus | aibe xviii syllabus pdf download

AIBE XVIII Exam Syllabus:

Are you ready to conquer the path to becoming a recognized legal professional in India? The All India Bar Council has recently unveiled the AIBE XVIII Exam Syllabus for the 2023-24 examination cycle, and it’s time to dive into the comprehensive outline that will guide your preparation. This syllabus is your blueprint for success, ensuring that you’re equipped with the knowledge and expertise necessary to excel in this prestigious examination.

A Glimpse of AIBE XVIII: Understanding the Exam Pattern:

Before we delve into the syllabus details, let’s gain a clear understanding of the AIBE XVIII exam pattern. The exam will be a total of 100 marks, consisting of 100 questions, with each question carrying 1 mark. The duration of the examination is set at 3 hours. With this structure in mind, let’s explore the domains that the syllabus encompasses.

PAPER Total questions Total marks Time
1. law 100 100 3 hours

Exploring the AIBE XVIII Syllabus:

A Comprehensive Overview The AIBE XVIII syllabus is thoughtfully designed to encompass a wide range of legal subjects, ensuring that candidates are well-versed in the core areas of law. Here’s a breakdown of the subjects covered and the number of questions associated with each:

1. Constitutional law 10
2. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 10
3. civil Procedure Code,1908 10
4. Indian penal code, 1860 08
5. Evidence act, 1872 08
6. Family law 08 
7.  Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Property Laws, Negotiable Instrument Act 08
8. Law  of  Tort,  including Motor Vehicle Act and Consumer Protection Law 05
9. Alternative Dispute Redressal including Arbitration Act 04
10. Public Interest Litigation 04
11. law related to tax  04
12. Professional Ethics & Cases of Professional Misconduct under Bar Council of India Rules 04
13. Labour & Industrial Law 04
14. Administration Law 03
15. Environmental Law 02
16. Cyber Law 02
17. Company Law 02
18. Land Acquisition Act 02
19. Intellectual Property Laws 02
  total 100

Seizing the Opportunity:

Mastering the Syllabus for SuccessAs you embark on your journey to conquer the AIBE XVIII, remember that this syllabus is your roadmap to excellence. Each subject area reflects the vital knowledge and skills expected of a legal professional. By diligently studying and mastering this syllabus, you’re setting yourself up for success not only in the examination but also in your future legal career. Dedicate yourself to understanding the intricacies of each subject and showcasing your expertise in the AIBE XVIII examination.

In conclusion, the AIBE XVIII Exam Syllabus is your key to unlocking the doors of legal expertise. Embrace each subject, invest your time in thorough preparation, and approach the examination with confidence. Your journey to becoming a distinguished legal professional starts with a solid grasp of this comprehensive syllabus. So, let the studying begin, and may your determination lead you to success in the AIBE XVIII examination and beyond.

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